Sunday, January 12, 2014

Trial Round 1 of Party With Consent

David Bohn, Alex Uland, and Jack Lin, all juniors, participated in December's trial workshop.

Happy 2014, Denison, from DSF!

Before ending 2013 on the hill, some of the DSFers conducted a trial run of the Party With Consent workshop we'd like to offer a few times this coming semester. Co-Coordinator Ludwig Icevski and Fellow Jon Brachna gathered seven of their friends and did a few activities exploring the dynamics of gender roles and how they play out in our everyday interactions. The goal of the workshop was to enhance participants' understanding of how these interactions come to life in a party space and can be detrimental to having a good time (specifically how they inform instances of sexual assault).

The centerpiece of the workshop was "the man box" activity the Fellows did with Jonathan Kalin in October (see our previous post, "What's the Deal with the 'Social' Part of Sustainability?"). Several interesting discussions ensued in relation to campus culture and the man box we drew. We ended things in style with some slam poetry, "Ten Responses to the Phrase 'Man Up'":

Ludwig discusses the man box we made. 

This semester is sure to be packed with many exciting social, economic, and environmental initiatives from DSF, including more Party With Consent workshops and discussions. If you're interested in joining this social sustainability endeavor, hold tight! We're still in the planning process, and there's definitely more to come, but it may come slowly. If you can't contain your excitement, there's a good chance we could harness your enthusiasm-- contact Ludwig ( or Jon ( to get on board!